Information Bulletin - August 1, 2024
August 1, 2024
Emergency Operations Centre
5:20 PM PST
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) remains in regular communication with BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) to monitor the fires within the region. There are currently 75 wildfires in the Southeast Fire Centre, with 4 wildfires of note, and 55 listed as out of control. This is a dynamic situation that can change hourly, so residents are encouraged to be prepared and follow the BCWS website and the RDCK website for the most accurate and up to date information.
For residents on Evacuation Order:
Receiving an Evacuation Order can be an emotional experience. You may be reluctant to leave your home and community. However, choosing to remain in an area that is under an Evacuation Order puts yourself, your family, and first responders in danger. Be aware that:
- Services, utilities, and businesses that you rely on daily may be unavailable or shut down;
- Evacuation routes can change or become impassible;
- Emergency medical services may not be able to reach an Evacuation Order Area because of a risk to their own safety or access is blocked;
- Friends and family will not be allowed to temporarily access the Evacuation Order to re-supply you if you stay.
Emergency Support Services (ESS) Information:
If you are on Evacuation Order, go to to create a profile and register with ESS or visit one of three ESS sites in Castlegar, Kaslo, or New Denver. If you require assistance with online registration or renewal of ESS support, please call ESS at 1.800.387.4258.
ONLY THOSE RESIDENTS ON EVACUATION ORDER ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ESS. If you are on Evacuation Alert and voluntarily evacuate, you will not receive support at an ESS location. However, you can be proactive and create a profile online in case your Evacuation Alert escalates to an Evacuation Order.
Residents currently on ESS are reminded, whether they registered online or in person, they need to renew their ESS before it expires.
Current ESS locations for Slocan Lake Complex wildfires (includes Nemo Creek, Mulvey Creek, Ponderosa, Aylwin Creek, and Komonko Creek), Argenta Creek wildfire and Glacier Creek wildfire:
Knox Hall – New Denver – 521 6th Ave.
The reception centre hours are:
August 2 – CLOSED
* These hours are subject to change with the dynamic wildfire situation.
Selkirk College Castlegar Campus, 301 Frank Beinder Way
The reception centre hours are:
August 2 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
* These hours are subject to change with the dynamic wildfire situation.
Kaslo Royal Canadian Legion, 403 5th St.
The reception centre hours are:
August 2 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
August 3 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
August 4 - CLOSED
* These hours are subject to change with the dynamic wildfire situation.
Temporary Access Permit (TAP)
Temporary Access Permits (TAP) are restricted to the following:
- Critical Infrastructure or utility agencies may require access in order to service (ie. refuel, inspect) or make repairs to affected critical equipment and sites;
- Members of the agriculture sector may need to make essential repairs to fencing, evacuate or check on livestock condition and care as required
- Community members may request access so they can retrieve important medication, tend to their domestic animals.
Temporary Access Permit Application
Temporary Access Permit Guidelines
Slocan Lake Fires Complex
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) has closed 35 km of Highway 6 (1 km south of Silverton to 11 km south of Slocan) to both North and Southbound traffic due to the Slocan Lake Fires Complex. Click here for Highway closure details. Area Restriction details: Slocan Lake Complex Area Restriction.
Aylwin Creek wildfire, N51065
On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has issued an Evacuation Order due to this fire. Order details:
- July 30 Order downgraded to an Alert for Village of Silverton and 17 properties within Electoral Area H
- July 24 Order details
- July 23 Order details
- July 20 Order details
- Aylwin Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page
Komonko Creek wildfire, N51210
Komonko Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page
Nemo Creek wildfire, N51103
On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has issued an Evacuation Order due to this fire. Order details:
Mulvey Creek, N51117
On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre(EOC) has issued an Evacuation Order due to this fire. Order details:
- Updated information on planned ignitions from yesterday (July 31 at 3:00 pm PST), near Village of Slocan
- From BCWS “On July 31, firefighting crews conducted planned ignitions on the Mulvey Creek wildfire (N51117). The ignition occurred from Slocan Lake, southward to Gwillim Creek. The intent of the ignition is to remove available fuel between the fire perimeter and the established guard, to prevent uncontrolled eastward growth as temperatures increase, and prior to forecast erratic wind this weekend. If site and weather conditions permit, the remainder of the operation will continue today, August 1, moving west from Gwillim Creek toward an established guard on the east flank of the fire.”
- July 28 Order details
- July 21 Order details
- Mulvey Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page
Ponderosa wildfire, N51069
On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has issued Evacuation Alerts due to this fire. Alert details:
- July 28 Order details.
- July 23 Alert details.
- July 21 Alert details
- Ponderosa wildfire BCWS incident details page
Wilson Creek, N51614
The Wilson Creek wildfire has been categorized as under control. As a result the Evacuation Order and Alert due to the wildfire have been rescinded, specifically for the Village of New Denver north to the community of Rosebery. Please click for:
North Kootenay Lake fires
Area Restriction details: Mt Lavina Area Restriction
Argenta Creek, N71058
On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has issued an Evacuation Order and Alert due to this fire. Please click for:
Area Restriction details for Argenta Creek area
Lower Meadow Mountain N71101
Lower Meadow Mountain BCWS incident details page
Glacier Creek, N71098
On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has issued an Evacuation Order due to this fire. Please click for:
Howser Ridge 3, N71144
On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) has issued an Evacuation Alert due to this fire. Alert details:
Area restriction details for Howser Ridge 3
General Information
For more information on the wildfires refer to BCWS website, BCWS Facebook and BCWS X.
Visit for the complete details of all current evacuation orders and alerts. Follow the RDCK on Facebook and X. Affected residents with any questions can contact the RDCK Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) at 250-352-7701.
Click here for a print-friendly PDF version.
The content on this page was last updated August 1 2024 at 10:23 AM