Disposal Fees
Tipping Fee Increase - effective January 1, 2024
On December 14, 2023, the RDCK Board of Directors approved a 10% increase on all tipping fees at all RDCK Landfills and Transfer Stations, which will become effective January 1, 2024.
The price change is driven by significant increases to operating costs in recent years, including fuel, labour, insurance, supplies, more stringent regulatory requirements, and increased borrowing repayment costs.
The RDCK is committed towards operating “user pay” facilities, meaning those who generate waste pay for its disposal. Tipping fees should cover 100% of the costs to manage the waste in a sustainable user pay system. Recently, funds collected through tipping fees have not fully covering operating costs, and the shortfall is made up through taxation, which impacts everyone regardless of individual waste generated.
In addition, sufficient reserve funds will be required to minimize borrowing costs and fund a number of long-term projects such as landfill upgrades and closure costs, and infrastructure replacement.
Further details are outlined in the 10 Year Financial Plan Summary (Schedule B) in the RDCK’s Resource Recovery Plan. Questions or concerns can be directed to RRDept@rdck.bc.ca.
Each Landfill and Transfer Station has their own sub-regional User Fee Schedule:
- Central Sub-region Waste Disposal User Fees Brochure - effective January 1, 2024
- East Sub-region Waste Disposal User Fees Brochure - effective January 1, 2024
- West Sub-region Waste Disposal User Fees Brochure - effective January 1, 2024
- Septage Disposal Facilities Regulatory Bylaw
Not sure which waste sub-region you live in? Check the MAP
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is the price per Container different in the Central Sub-region, (Grohman (Nelson), Central (Salmo), Balfour, Kaslo, Marblehead, and Ymir)?
The Central Sub-Region has very high legacy costs associated with the HB Tailings Facility. Further, it does not operate an active landfill, but hosts the busiest Transfer Station in the region (Grohman Narrows), and as a result has some of the highest operating costs for transfer of waste.
2. Why doesn’t RDCK just waive tipping fees and pay for everything through taxes?
- RDCK is committed to a User-Pay system: A tax-funded system does not encourage anyone to recycle or compost; in the long run this reduces the life of our regional landfill.
- Recycle BC Depots have no tipping fees: They are funded by contributions from the producers of printed paper and packaging such as retailers and taxation. Recyclable materials that are disposed at landfills and transfer stations (e.g., wood and metal) have significantly lower tipping fees, as they are NOT landfilled.
3. How can Customers keep their disposal costs manageable?
- Increase your recycling: Take advantage of the growing number of items that can be recycled at our 23 recycling depots.
- Home Composting: While a composting processing facility is scheduled for construction in Salmo and Creston, household composting is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to significantly reduce the volume and odours of your waste. There are options for every situation including systems that do not attract animals and are capable of composting meats and kitchen scraps.
- Bigger disposal bags or containers can be more cost effective: Rather than bringing in small Bags or Containers, maximize the value of your disposals by using 121L Bags or Containers. If possible, bring in larger loads of household garbage to scaled sites and pay by weight. Consider sharing disposal costs with people in your area.
Do you have municipal curbside service? For loads under 100kg, curbside pickup is cheaper than self-hauling, saves time and reduces Greenhouse Gas emissions and traffic at busy sites!
The content on this page was last updated October 3 2024 at 3:58 AM