Board Meeting - August 2021 Highlights
August 23, 2021
Brittny Anderson, Nelson-Creston MLA, joined meeting
The Board welcomed Brittny Anderson, the Nelson-Creston Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), to the meeting. Since being elected MLA in 2020, Anderson has been highly visible throughout the community and this was an opportunity for the former RDCK former Board member to learn about local issues she can potentially assist with, while collaborating and building relationships at the local level. Items brought forward by the Board included Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Resolutions, staffing for medical services in rural and remote areas, capital funding for improvement districts, and connectivity in rural areas.
RDCK agrees to facility use agreement with Kootenay Family Place Society
The Board approved the RDCK enter into a facility use agreement with Kootenay Family Place Society for Children and Youth (KFP) for a period of five years commencing October 9, 2021, with the option for a five-year extension. KFP will run a child care centre at the Castlegar and District Community Complex providing 30 new child care spaces for local families. KFP is a registered non-profit organization serving the needs of children, youth and families throughout the West Kootenay Boundary region.
New user fees for RDCK Community Centres
The Board approved the adoption of new fees and charges for all RDCK Community Centres. Recreation services at the RDCK are funded through a combination of user fees and taxation, so that recreation is subsidized by the community for the benefit of the community. The cost framework is based on the emphasis of lifelong participation in recreation and reducing barriers to children and youth. Across all services, fees are now lower for this age group.
New fees and charges schedule for recreation admissions
West Kootenay Transit Future Service Plan
The Board adopted the West Kootenay Transit Future Service Plan. This is a plan for how to proceed with the sustainable growth and development of West Kootenay Transit. The plan was developed in collaboration between staff from BC Transit, RDCK, City of Nelson, Arrow and Slocan Lakes Community Services Society, Trail Transit, Selkirk College and local stakeholders.
The new plan contains 40 recommendations intended to address service level and infrastructure considerations raised by stakeholders and ridership. To be implemented over an eight-year period, the plan’s main objectives are to recover ridership, fix critical capacity issues, address service inequities, ensure reliable service and implement service improvements.
Regional Energy Efficiency Program 2.0
The Board approved the signing of a letter of support for the City of Nelson’s Federation of Canadian Municipalities – Community Efficiency Financing application for the delivery of the Regional Energy Efficiency Program (REEP) 2.0. REEP aims to reduce greenhouse gases in existing and newly built homes through upgrades in insulation, doors, windows, heating and ventilation equipment, which results in the overall reduction of energy consumption. Since implementing the program in 2018, REEP has reduced the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of 66 passenger vehicles driven for one year.
East McDermid Dam Decommissioning Project
The Board approved the RDCK enter into a funding agreement with the Province for the East McDermid Dam Decommissioning Project. The goal of the project is to decommission the East McDermid Dam, located in the Slocan River valley near the community of Krestova, and associated reservoir to reduce the risk of flooding for downstream residences and infrastructure. The dam has been identified as a flood hazard due to the potential for debris flow, resulting in a significant increase in volume. Removal of the dam and restoration of the reservoir and stream channel would eliminate the flood hazard.
Potential for a Local Conservation Fund
The Board direct staff to work with the Kootenay Conservation Program on developing financial options and a service case analysis for establishing a local conservation fund service in Electoral Areas B, C, F, G, H, I and J. Currently, Electoral Areas A, D and E are part of the Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund, which is a partnership between the RDCK and Kootenay Conservation Program to provide grants to support area conservation efforts focused on conservation of water and aquatic systems, as well as wildlife and habitat. Residents in these areas pay a yearly parcel tax towards the dedicated fund for conservation projects within the service area.
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The content on this page was last updated August 23 2021 at 7:01 AM