Board Meeting - April 2021 Highlights

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Flood and Geohazard Protection in the RDCK

The RDCK Board directed staff to continue discussions with Creston Valley improvement districts (dike owners), Yaqan Nukiy, Town of Creston and RDCK on a memorandum of understanding and terms of reference for management of registered dikes in the Creston Valley. The goal is to explore options of how to access grant funding to help cover the costs of dike maintenance in the Creston Valley. This is a unique opportunity between multiple groups to manage flood risks in the vicinity of the Kootenay River, while demonstrating clear support for food and agriculture providers in the Creston Valley.

The RDCK Board also directed staff to complete an assessment detailing the responsibilities and liabilities associated with the RDCK becoming a diking authority, as well as possible funding models as local service areas. This information will detail the implications of the RDCK Board becoming a diking authority to possibly construct new flood protection works (dike) and possibly take responsibility for existing orphan dike structures. An orphan dike is a structure that was generally constructed under emergency conditions without adequate planning or engineering design and does not have formal ownership identified (diking authority). There are 14 orphan dikes within the RDCK.

RDCK to Develop Flood Risk Evaluation Policy

The RDCK Board approves the submission of an application to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for the development of a flood risk evaluation policy. The project will be undertaken by external consultants who will complete the project and manage the fund. The policy will support long-term geohazard risk-informed development, emergency response planning and long term flood resiliency. The goal is for the RDCK to become a leader in the region in regards to understanding the implications of development decisions in hazard areas.

RDCK Resource Recovery Plan

The RDCK Board directed staff to issue the draft RDCK Resource Recovery Plan for public consultation in May 2021. This is a solid waste management plan that requires consultation with the public and affected stakeholders before it can be approved by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. This plan determines the direction for delivery of waste and recycling service over the next ten year period and will guide the RDCK in its progression towards zero waste, including the introduction of an organics collection program, improved waste disposal systems, and capital improvements. Check our website in May for more details on how you can engage on the plan.

RDCK Noise Bylaw Boundary Extended to Include Electoral Area H

The RDCK Board adopted an amendment to the Noise Bylaw to extend the boundary to include Electoral Area H. The bylaw prohibits and regulates noise levels within defined areas of the RDCK. The bylaw is now applicable and enforceable in Electoral Areas A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K of the RDCK. Noise levels that are regulated, include music, animals, vehicles, and outdoor work/maintenance.

Fauquier Watermain Replacement Project

The RDCK Board awarded the material purchase contract for the Fauquier Watermain Replacement project to EMCO Corporation of Kelowna for the maximum value of $155,715.02. This will allow the project to secure a supply of materials so the project can proceed. The watermain is coming to an end of life and this replacement is based on risk and consequence of failure and break history.


The content on this page was last updated April 20 2021 at 7:40 AM