Decisions / Closed Land Use Applications

Decisions / Closed Land Use Applications

The following information is based on RDCK Board Resolution for the current and previous year. For more information please contact Planning staff.

Decisions made by the General Manager of Development and Community Sustainability Services for Development Permits can be found here


Address & General Location

Application Type & Purpose


Highland Consulting c/o Cooper Husband

 2205 Bealby Road, Rural Nelson, Electoral Area ‘E’  The owners seek to develop a duplex dwelling (upper and lower level units) with an attached deck, a parking pad and an on-site sewerage system. This application seeks to reduce the floodplain setback from Kootenay Lake from 15 metres to 7.5 metres under the RDCK’s Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 to allow for the construction of a dwellingwith an attached deck. Should the floodplain exemption be approved, issuance of a Watercourse Development Permit

would be required for all development activities within the riparian area of Kootenay Lake.




Angela Flinn

 3124 Waldie Avenue, Robson, Electoral Area ‘J’ The purpose of this application is to change the Official Community Plan (OCP) designation from Suburban Residential (SR) to Community Services (CS) and to rezone the subject property from Suburban Residential One (R1) to Institutional (I) to facilitate the development of a day care.





Z2402J Staff Report 

1068616 BC LTD. c/o Ken Crowe

 129 Boulder Beach Road, Kootenay Bay, Electoral Area ‘A’  This Development Variance Permit (DVP) application requests to vary a portion of the subdivision servicing bylaw which requires proof of capacity for two type 1 septic systems for each proposed lot. The applicant cannot accommodate type 1 systems on two of the proposed lots and instead is proposing type 2 systems on those lots. In order for this to be allowed, a DVP is required.





V2404A Staff Report 


Robert Filippo


4650 HIghway 6, Hall Siding, Electoral Area G  This Development Variance Permit application requests to vary the subdivision servicing requirement which requires evidence of sufficient ground water quanity for the proposed remainder lot only.


An RDCK application to consider amending the land use designation and rezoning for the above subdivision is also currently being processed (RDCK File No. Z2308G).





V2311G Staff Report 


All zoned areas in the RDCK – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, F, G, I, J & K

The purpose of the proposed bylaw amendments are to implement the requirements of Provincial Bill 44 Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, which includes provisions to allow small-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH) across B.C. The RDCK must allow for a minimum of 1 secondary suite and/or 1 detached accessory dwelling unit in all restricted zones (i.e. zones where the residential use is restricted to detached single-family dwellings), in all electoral areas.



Referral Package 



Daniel and Faith Sonntag

4135 Broadwater Rd, Electoral Area 'J'    

This Bylaw Amendment Application seeks to amend the Official Community Plan land use designation from Rural Residential to Country Residential One and to rezone the subject property from Rural Residential (R3) to Country Residential (R2) in order to remedy a non-conforming dwelling unit on the subject property. 






Whatshan Resort c/o 

Aplin Martin Consultants Ltd. 

 1076 Whatshan Forest Service Road, Electoral Area ‘K’  The proposed construction does not meet the required Flood Construction Level (FCL). This application requests an exemption in order to permit the construction of a one-family dwelling and a detached garage with a dwelling unit on the second storey.




Jeff Shatzko


This Development Variance Permit varies Section 18.17 of Comprehensive Land Use Bylaw No. 2315, 2013 which requires all buildings to be setback a minimum of 2.5 metres from interior lot lines. This permit authorizes the new detached garage to be constructed 1.5 metres from the southern lot line and 0.4 metres from the eastern lot line.





V2402A  Staff Report


2464 Pass Creek Rd, Pass Creek, BC

Electoral Area 'I'

This Development Variance Permit (DVP) varies Sections 2901.3, 2901.4, and 2901.6 b. of the RDCK’s Zoning Bylaw No. 1675. These sections of the bylaw pertain to Farm Residential Footprint and Gross Floor Area (GFA) of an accessory dwelling. 





V2309I Staff Report

Jody McBlain

4328 40th Street, 

Canyon, Electoral Area 'B'

This Development Variance Permit (DVP) varies Section 23.5 in the Agriculture One (AG1) Zone to allow a Farm Residential Footprint with a maximum depth of 140 metres from the front property line in order to facilitate the development of a dwelling unit. 





V2405B Staff Report

Jonas Horvath and Lexis Dollevoet 2875 Broadwater Road, Robson

This Development Variance Permit varies Section 701.7 of the RDCK Zoning Bylaw No. 1675, 2004. The applicants requested to increase the maximum height of an accessory building from 6.0 metres to 7.54 metres to permit the existing over height accessory building constructed without the issuance of a valid Building Permit.





V2307J Staff Report

John Drysdale 10789 Highway 3A, Electoral Area ‘A’

The purpose of this Site-Specific Floodplain Exemption application is to authorize a portion of the proposed deck to encroach into the 15 metre setback.




Weiland Construction c/o Deborah Weiland 1434 Highway 31, Queens Bay, Electoral Area ‘E’

This application seeks to reduce the floodplain setback from Kootenay Lake from 15 metres to 11.5 metres under the RDCK’s Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 to allow for the construction of post supports and footings in the floodplain for a raised deck.




Tara Pejski 5383 Allendale Crescent, Robson

Revised Land use Bylaw Amendment to rezone the property from Rural Residential (R3) to a site specific Rural Residential (R3) zone to permit a kennel for a maximum of 9 dogs and to decrease the setback for a kennel from an interior lot line from 30.0 metres to 7.5 metres.






Kai Korinth - Timber Grove Design   3034 Miller Road, Electoral Area F  The property is located in a residential area, and is currently vacant.
This Development Variance Permit application seeks to vary Section 605.5 of the RDCK’s Zoning Bylaw No. 1675, 2004.
The owner seeks to reduce the exterior (front) setback regulation from 4.5 metres to 0 metres to allow for the construction of a residential dwelling due to the property’s “challenging topography”.






Theo Stavinga

6579 Meadow Wood Rd,

Kitchener, Electoral Area 'B'

This Development Variance Permit application seeks to vary Section 18.9 of the Country Residential (R2) Zone of Bylaw No. 2316, 2013 to increase the maximum permitted gross floor area of an accessory building from 200 m2 to 255.7 m2.




Sutco Contracting LTD  25 Old Mill Road, Raspberry, BC, Electoral Area J

This property is zoned Light Industrial (M1) in Zoning Bylaw No. 1675, 2004.

This Development Variance Permit seeks to vary Section 611.13 of the RDCK Zoning Bylaw No. 1675, 2004 in order to allow 30% of the property to be paved with asphalt and the remaining 70% to be surfaced with gravel with calcium chloride for dust control.





Erie Creek Building c/o Travis Johnston 7210 1st Avenue, Ymir Development Variance Permit to vary Section 29.5 under the Electoral Area ‘G’ Land Use Bylaw No. 2452, 2018 in order to permit a 0.2 metre setback from the northern interior side lot line whereas the bylaw requires a minimum setback of 2.5 metres to an interior lot line.






Cheryl Jonk and Henry Jonk 3200 Phillips Road, Lister This Development Variance Permit (DVP) seeks to vary the size and siting of a dwelling. 







Roland and Truy Daniels  2898 Lower Six Mile Road, Six Mile This Development Variance Permit (DVP) seeks to vary Section 605.5 under the RDCK Zoning Bylaw No. 1675, 2004 in order to permit a 1.5 metre setback from the northern interior side lot line whereas the bylaw requires a minimum setback of 2.5 metres to an interior lot line.






Oliver P. Francoeur 5601 Kitchener Road, Kitchener, BC  The purpose of the proposed Temporary Use Permit is to allow the construction of a 195 m2 accessory building prior to
the construction of a Dwelling. The applicant has indicated that they plan to construct the principal residence in spring






 Jason & Lori Chernoff  1411 Highway 3A, Thrums Land use Bylaw Amendment to rezone the property from Country Residential I (R2I) to Suburban Residential (R1) and to Amend the Land Use Designation from Country Residential 2 (CR2) to Suburban Residential (RS) in order to build two dwellings.




Greg Fink c/o Pennco Engineering  2737 Lower Six Mile Road, Six Mile  Floodplain Exemption application to regularize the existing dwelling and enable the re-construction of an attached garage following a fire.




Sanca Creek Beach Resort

Cooperative Association
10901 Highway 3A, East Shore of Kootenay Lake

To amend Comprehensive Land Use Bylaw No. 2315 to change the Zoning class from Suburban Residential to Mixed Use Residential to allow for mixed residential and recreational use.




Adam Koenig on behalf of Mark Demchuk and Karen Karpa 2997 Airport Road – Electoral Area B The purpose of this application is to allow the owners to cluster development on their property by building a residence near the existing servicing on the northwest portion of the lot. 



 Adam Koenig on behalf of Roop Smagh and Kulwant Smagh 916 27TH Avenue South, Erickson – Electoral Area B        The purpose of this application is to allow the owners to rebuild their residence in the same location as the previous residence which was destroyed by fire. 



Kevin & Rose Anderson  

161 Sheloff Road, Rural Salmo

Land Use Bylaw Amendment to rezone a portion of the property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential (R3) in order to facilitate a two lot subdivision




Staff Report 


Sherri Verstoep 318 27 Av N, Erickson

This Development Variance Permit (DVP) reduces the required interior side (southern) setback from 2.5 metres to 1.4 metres in order to permit the construction of an addition to the rear of the existing one-family dwelling.




V2301B Staff Report

Tobias Remppel 1016 27th Avenue South, Erickson

This Development Variance Permit (DVP) allows an approximately 332 metres setback from the front property line whereas the bylaw requires that the maximum depth of the Farm Residential Footprint shall not exceed 60 metres from the Front Lot Line.




V2304B Staff Report

Roman Ondrysek 209 Kilarney Crescent, Edgewood

This Development Variance Permit allows a maximum of six (6) persons to be employed in the Home Based Business.




V2303K Staff Report

Jordan Baer 3974 Broadwater Road, West Robson

The purpose of this application is an exemption from the 30 metre floodplain setback associated with the Columbia River in order to construct the new dwelling at a distance of 23.5 m from the present natural boundary of the Columbia River.


F2301J Staff Report

Kelly Hascarl 948 Highway 6, Rural Nakusp

The purpose of the proposed Bylaw Amendment is to allow the property owner to establish a “Concrete and Cement Manufacturing and Storage” (concrete batch plant) use on the subject property which is currently zoned Rural Residential ‘K’ (R3K).




Z2303K Staff Report 

Dave White 3040 Charleston Avenue, Robson

The purpose of this application is to reduce the front and side setback to permit the construction of a roof structure over an existing dwelling.




V2302J Staff Report 

Tim and Katherine Horcoff  501 Lakeview Road, Castlegar

The purpose of this bylaw amendment application to allow a second detached dwelling on the subject property.




Carlin Horkoff 1010 Columbia Road, Ootischenia

Land use Bylaw Amendment to rezone the property from Ootischenia Suburban Residential (R1A) to Ootischenia Suburban Residential Site SPecific (R1A) and to amend the associated Official Community Plan in order to build a dwelling and a secondary suite on a property 0.23 hectares in size.




Z2209J Staff Report 

WSA Engineering Ltd (Tassone) Meadowbrook Drive, Castlegar

Land Use Bylaw Amendment to rezone the property from Rural Residential (R3) to Rural Residential K (R3K) in order to construct a garage with a secondary suite




Z2206J Staff Report 

Simon Laurie 715 Waterloo Rd, Ootischenia This Development Variance Permit is requesting to reduce the interior side (southern) setback from 2.5 metres to 1.5 metres in order to permit the construction of a one-family dwelling.


Marcus Anderson   1686 Evans Road, Creston  Temporary Use Permit to allow the construction of an accessory building and to allow four (4) shipping containers to remain on the subject property prior to the construction of a dwelling.





Greg Doucette  

3876 Highway 3A, Nine Mile 

Site Specific Floodplain Exemption to exempt the requirement for a second geotechnical report at the time of construction of a dwelling, and instead build according to the specifications of a NSFEA with a rating of ‘1.’



Timothy Jackson

3239 Heddle Road, Six Mile 

Development Variance Permit application to vary the maximum Gross Floor Area of an accessory building from 100m2 to 122m2. 




V2211F Staff Report

Robert Bohn

1401 Evans Road, West Creston

Development Variance Permit to increase the maximum gross floor area of an accessory building from 200 square metres to 223 square metres to permit the construction of a detached garage for storage of vehicles.




V2209CStaff Report

Cheryl White and Grant Doyle 

228 Clark Road, Burton

Temporary Use Permit to allow for an accessory building to be constructed prior to a dwelling.


Development Variance Permit to increase the maximum allowable gross floor area of an accessory building from 100 square metres to 110 square metres. 




V2207K_T2203K Staff Reoprt 

 Jeremy Lodge  5386 Broadwater Road, Robson Site Specific Floodplain Exemption to permit the construction of a one-family dwelling.




F2202J Staff Report 

 Porcupine Wood Products Ltd.  8564 Highway 6, Rural Salmo  Temporary Use Permit for aggregate (sand and gravel) extraction and processing on-site. Expected timing is from April to mid-June 2022. Aggregate extraction and processing is proposed as a means to provide a level area for log storage. Please see the proposal summary and management plan (included in this referral package) for more information.




T2105G Staff Report 

 TSL Developments Ltd.  2016 Highway 3A, Tarrys Temporary Use Permit to enable the use of the building as a private school for up to 30 students and to enable the same building to be used as place of worship for up to 80 congregants on weekends. The facility would also be used to host periodic evening events.



Brooke Clasby 

845 Waterloo Road, Ootischenia

Development Variacne Permit to decrease a setback from 2.5m to 1.2m to facilitate the construction of a home office. 




V2208J Staff Report


Scott McIntosh

815 Columbia Road, Ootischenia

Development Variance Permit to decrease the setback from a side propertly line from 2.5m to 1.5m and to increase the maximum height of an accessory building from 6.0m to 6.6m to match the roofline of the existing residence and to allow for better parking maneuverability to accomodate a recreational vehicle and/or boat.




V2205J Staff Report

Norman Sims

2600 Six Mile Road, Six Mile

Development Variance Permit to decrease the setback from a front property line from 4.5m to 2.16m and the setback from a side propertly line from 2.5m to 0.62m to formally recognize the existing lawfully non-conforming "church" structure, and to decrease the setback from a side property line from 2.5m to 0.24m to support a new deck.




V2204F Staff Report

Kevin Kerswell

207 Nichols Drive, Schroeder Point

Site Specific Floodplain Exemption to reduce the elevation above and below natural ground from 1.0 metre to 0.6 metres to permit the construction of a one-family dwelling.


F2203D Staff Report

Greg Wheaton

2721 Jack's Crescent, South Slocan

Development Variance Permit to increase the maximum height of an accessory building from 6.0m to 7.62m and to increase the maximum gross floor area of an accessory building from 100 sqm to 186 sqm to permit the construction of an accessory building for a workshop use on the ground floor and office use above for personal use.


V2203I Staff Report

Justin Storm 

1107 Spruce Road, Erickson

Bylaw Amendment application to rezone the property from Heavy Industrial (M3) to Heavy Industrial (M3) site specific to permit the construction of a residence as a primary use on the subject property.




Jason Tait and Julie Mitchell

1915 Kalesnikoff Road, Brilliant

Development Variance Permit to increase the maximum gross floor area of an accessory building from 100 sqm to 164 sqm, increase the maximum height of an accessory building from 6m to 7.4m, and decrease the setback from the front property line from 7.5 m to 4.5 m to construct an accessory building for RV/Boat storage.




V2202I Staff Report

Peter & Lenka Kazda

1335 Airport Road, Lister

Temporary Use Permit to allow for a garage to be constructed prior to a dwelling.


Development Variance Permit to increase the maximum allowable gross floor area of an accessory building from 200 square metres to 224 square metres. 




T2201B Staff Report




V2206B Staff Report

Weiland Construction c/o Deb Weiland

161 Heuston Road, Balfour

Site Specific Floodplain Exemption to permit the construction of a new residence with a habitable basement.


F2201E Staff Report

Juerg Salzgeber

3115 Crestview Road, Lister

Development Variance Permit to increase to increase the maximum gross floor area of an accessory building from 200 sqm to 261 sqm and to increase the maximum height of an accessory building from 8m to 8.23m to construct an accessory building for a workshop and sotrage on the ground floor and an unfinished mezzanine space above of 119 sqm.




V2201B Staff Report

Angus Wright

895 Highway 3A, Rural Neslon

Bylaw Amendment Application to rezone the subject property from Country Residential (R2) to Country Residential (R2) site specific to add an accessory use of 'kennel' to allow for a dog training facility to operate on the property.




Z2201F Staff Report

Jim Forbes

225 Cemetery Road and 413 Kilarney Crescent, Edgewood

Land Use Bylaw Amendment to permit seasonal cabins, recreational vehicle (RV) camping and campground uses including a shared wash house and shared cook house.




Susan and Larry Eirikson

13606 Mountain Shores Road, Boswell

Development Variance Permit to reduce the interior side setback from 2.5 metres to 2.0 metres for a proposed dwelling.




V2115A Staff Report

Martin Whitehead

3195 Upper Levels Road, Robson

Development Variance Permit to:
• increase the maximum height of a proposed workshop accessory building from 6.0 metres to 6.7 metres;
• increase the maximum gross floor area from 100 m2 to 186 m2 to permit the construction of a proposed workshop accessory building;
• increase the cumulative gross floor area of all accessory buildings or structures on a property from 200 m2 to 206 m2; and,
• reduce the interior side setback from 2.5 metres to 1.5 metres for both the proposed workshop accessory building and existing unauthorized storage building.




V2114J Staff Report

J & B Smagh Orchards Ltd.

3020 Erickson Road, Erickson

Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum setback from  2.5 metres to 1.5 metres from the building to both the East and Southern lot lines to permit the existing unauthorized agricultural building.




V2113B Staff Report

GKS Investments

5125 Highway 3, Salmo

Development Variance Permit to vary Section 9.5.1 of Regional District of Central Kootenay’s Manufactured Home Parks Bylaw No. 1082, 1995 which states that ‘No manufactured home or addition to a manufactured home shall be located within 4.5 metres of an adjacent manufactured home or addition’. The application is to vary this distance from 4.5m to 4.1m.



Randy Tice 965 Highway 3A, Nelson Development Variance Permit Application to permit an accessory building with a GFA of 264 m2 whereas the Country Residential (R2) zone in Zoning Bylaw No. 1675 permits a maximum size of 200 m2 for accessory buildings.




V2111F Staff Report

Theron Kingsley 7114 First Avenue, Ymir Development Variance Permit to reduce the front lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 2.5 metres and exterior side lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 5 metres for an entrance ramp and awning addition.




V2110G Staff Report

Holger Wiens 306 26th Ave North, Rural Creston Development Variance Permit Application to reduce the front yard setback from 7.5 metres to 5 metres and reduce the side yard setback from 2.5 metres to 1 metre for the construction of a detached garage.




V2109B Staff Report

Shannon and Raymond Ellis 2771 Greenwood Road, Six Mile

Development Variance Permit to reduce the interior setback from 2.5 metres to 2.4 metres to convert an existing building into a single family dwelling.




V2108F Staff Report

BNR Contracting c/o Brent Rode

729 Prairie South Road, Ootischenia

Development Variance Permit application to reduce the interior side (northern) setback from 2.5 metres to 1.2 metres (to the roof overhang) to permit the construction of a 17m2 accessory structure.




V2107J Staff Report

Michelle Gerlinsky

6356 Kitchener Road, Kitchener

Bylaw Amendment Application to change the land use designation and zoning from Rural Resource (R4) to Country Residential (R2) to facilitate a five lot subdivision.




Z2107B Staff Report

Regional District of Central Kootenay

119 Ootischenia Road, Ootischenia

Development Variance Permit to reduce the required front yard setback from 7.5 metres to 1 metre in order to permit the construction of an additional vehicle bay on the north side of the building.




V2106J Staff Report

Daniel & Faith Sonntag

4135 Broadwater Road, Robson

Bylaw Amendment Application to amend the Official Community Plan land use designation from Rural Residential to Country Residential One and to rezone subject property from Rural Residential (R3) to Country Residential (R2). The applicants seek the above bylaw amendments to remedy a non-conforming dwelling unit on the subject property. 



Charles and Sandra Leatherman

365, 373, 377 and 381 Park Avenue, Procter

Watercourse Development Permit to develop the foreshore and incorporate restoration activities, including a new boat house and marine rail construction, re-construction of rock landscaping and restoration of impacted beach areas.


Site Specific Floodplain Exemption Application to decrease the setback from Kootenay Lake from 15.0m to 12.0m to construct a boat house connected to a habitable building.





Porcupine Wood Products Ltd.

8564 Highway 6, Rural Salmo

Temporary Use Permit for aggregate (sand and gravel) extraction and processing on-site. Expected timing is from April to mid-June 2022. Aggregate extraction and processing is proposed as a means to provide a level area for log storage. Please see the proposal summary and management plan (included in this referral package) for more information.




T2105G Staff Report

Anne Baril & Nil Gagne

3034 Miller Road, North Shore

Development Variance Permit Application to request a variance to the setback distance from 4.5m to 0m due to the property’s challenging topography.




V2105F Staff Report

451283 BC Ltd. c/o John Dooley

4596 Highway 3A, Kokanee Creek

Bylaw Amendment Application to rezone the subject property from Tourist Commercial (C3) to Tourist Commercial (C3) site specific to permit the conversion of an existing 125 m2 in size (1,335 ft2) building, which was formerly a restaurant to a mini-warehouse/
storage use (approximately 12 units).





Z2105F Staff Report

Ekstasis Valley Holdings Ltd. c/o James Mattson

1290 Highway 6, Crescent Valley

The applicant has applied to the LCRB for a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store at the above address. The Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store is proposed to be located in a commercial retail unit within the existing service commercial building on site.





Donald and Holly Pruett

389 Park Avenue, Procter

This application is for a concurrent Watercourse Development Permit and Site Specific Exemption to the Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2080 to reduce the setback distance to Kootenay Lake from 15m to 9m.




F2104E Staff Report

Vanessa Bloodoff and Marc Boudreau

833 Trubetskoff Road, Brilliant

Development Variance Permit to vary Zoning Bylaw No. 1675 to increase the maximum height of an accessory building from 6.0 metres to 6.6 metres; and, increase the maximum gross floor area of an accessory building from 100 m2 to 193 m2 to permit the construction of an accessory building for a workshop and storage purposes.



Mike Allan

1953 Highway 3A, Four Mile

Temporary Use Permit to allow for the construction of an accessory structure to provide cover over a recreation vehicle (i.e. travel trailer) prior to a principal residential use being established on the subject property.




T2104F Staff Report

Lauren Smith

4476 Highway 6, Hall Siding

Bylaw Amendment Application to change the land use designation from General Commercial (GC) to Country Residential (RC) and the Zoning Designation from General Commercial (C1) to Country Residential (R2).




Z2103G Staff Report

Amber and Barry Stoochnoff

981 McHardy Road, Shore Acres

Temporary Use Permit to allow an existing manufactured home to be occupied by a non-family member. 




T2103I Staff Report

Lindsey Myram

2168 Annable Road, North Shore

Site Specific Floodplain Exemption Application to reduce the floodplain setback from Crystal Springs Creek, from 15 metres to 9 metres under the RDCK’s Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 to allow for a proposed addition to the existing residence.




F2103F Staff Report

Erin Potulicki

107 Cherry Street, Ymir

Development Variance Permit to replace a 22.3 m2 existing garage that is legal non-conforming in terms of setback distance to an exterior property line by reducing the setback to 0 metres for a proposed 55.7m2 garage.




V2103G Staff Report

 Craig Lisk

4180 Brown Road and 4196 View Ridge Road, Bonnington

Development Variance Permit to reduce the exterior setback adjacent to Brown Road from 4.5 metres to 3.0 metres as part of a subdivision application for a boundary adjustment with the adjacent lot to permit the construction of an accessory building on the above portion of land to be added to Lot 1 (4196 View Ridge Drive).




V2102FStaff Report

OCC Holdings Ltd.

272 Ootischenia Road, Ootischenia

Bylaw Amendment Application to change the land use designation from Suburban Residential (SR1) to Industrial (I) and the Zoning Designation from Ootischenia Suburban Residential (R1A) to Light Industrial (M1).




Z2102J Staff Report

Kelly Fyfe

1148 36 Avenue North, Erickson

Temporary Use Permit to allow for the construction of an accessory building (160 m2 in size) prior to a principal residential use being established onsite.



Jeff Grant

1030 Gleboff Road, Robson

Development Variance Permit Application to permit a 125 m2 accessory building wheres the zoning bylaw permits the maximum size of an accessory building of 100 m2. The applicant is also  requesting to permit a building height of 7 metres wheres the zoning bylaw permits a maximum height of 6 metres.




V2101J Staff Report

Curtis Jones

1275 Highway 3A, North Shore

Floodplain Exemption application to decrease the setback from Edwards Creek from 15.0m to 5.0m to construct a two family dwelling on a vacant lot.   




F2101F Staff Report

TSL Developments Ltd.

2016 Highway 3A, Tarrys

Temporary Use Permit to enable the use of the building as a private school for up to 30 students and to enable the same building to be used as place of worship for up to 80 congregants on weekends. The facility would also be used to host periodic evening events.



Andrew McCormick

3605 Whitelock Road, Bonnington

Development Variance Permit application to vary Zoning Bylaw No. 1675 to increase the permitted footprint from 250 square metres to 412 square metres and increase the gross floor area from 600 square metres to 786 square metres.




Tyler Haines

4950 Broadwater Road, Rural Castlegar

To amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1675 and Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1157 to change the Zoning class from Rural Residential (R3) to Country Residential (R2) and the Official Community Plan designation from Rural Residential to Country Residential.



Greg Fink c/o Pennco Engineering 

2737 Lower Six Mile Road, Six Mile

Floodplain Exemption application to regularize the existing dwelling and enable the re-construction of an attached garage following a fire.



The content on this page was last updated August 28 2024 at 8:21 AM