Lister Water System Studies

In 2019, two studies were undertaken for the Lister Water System. 

The Lister Water System Assessment utilizes computer modelling to give a better understanding of the current state of the water system, and future demand considering both domestic demand and potential for fire flows. The assessment recommends a long-term asset replacement program and upgrade schedule, and presents a high-level cost estimate. 

The Lister Water System Long-Term Infrastructure Capacity Assessment looks at the capacity of the Lister Water System to service additional surrounding water systems, including the Rykerts Irrigation District, Orde Creek Improvement District, South Canyon Improvement District, and individual properties. Current and projected demands in these surrounding areas are assessed including the existing level of service. Potential connection options from the Lister Water System are identified. Recommendations for infrastructure along with high-level cost estimates are presented for connections to the surrounding water systems and individual properties.

For more information contact:
Jason McDiarmid
Utility Services Manager
PH: 250.352.8169

The content on this page was last updated July 22 2021 at 1:44 AM