Information Bulletin - Wildfires in the RDCK - July 21 Update

Emergency Operations Centre

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) remains in regular communication with BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) to monitor the fires within the region. Since July 17 there were 104 fire starts in the Southeast Fire Centre, and currently there are 97 wildfires in the Centre, with 73 listed as out of control. This is a dynamic situation that can change hourly, so residents are encouraged to be prepared and follow the BCWS website and the RDCK website for the most accurate and up to date information. 

Throughout the RDCK, Environment and Climate Change Canada has issued a heat warning with a prolonged heat event with highs between 28 and 37 degrees Celsius. Overnight lows will remain warm, ranging from mid-teens to low-20s, and will not provide much relief from the daytime heat.

 Slocan Lake Fires Complex:

Aylwin Creek wildfire, N51065 and Komonko Creek wildfire, N51210

 The Aylwin Creek wildfire, South of Silverton, in Electoral Area H is currently listed as a wildfire of note and out of control by BCWS. The wildfire was discovered on Thursday, July 18 and is estimated to be 121 hectares. The cause of the fire is believed to be lightning.  It did experience and significant growth on July 20.

 Aylwin Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page

 On the recommendation of BCWS, the RDCK issued an Evacuation Order on July 18 for 11 properties along Highway 6 in Electoral Area H. This order was expanded on July 19to include 96 additional properties south of the Village of Silverton in the Red Mountain road area, east of Slocan Lake, near the Highway 6 corridor, bringing the total to 107 properties on Evacuation Order. This Order remains in place; the public is advised the area is not accessible to enter.

 The RDCK also issued an Evacuation Alert on Friday, July 19 for the entire Village of Silverton and 14 adjacent properties in Electoral Area H. This alert remains in place and anyone in the affected area must be ready to leave on short notice.

 Across Highway 6 from the Aylwin Creek wildfire is another wildfire of note, the Komonko Creek wildfire. First discovered on Friday, July 19, the suspected cause of the wildfire is lightning. The wildfire is estimated at 534 hectares and has been classified as out of control.  This fire did not experience any significant growth on July 20.

 Komonko Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page

 BCWS has wildfire aviation, including air tankers, and structure protection working to suppress both these fires once conditions and visibility improve.

 The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) has closed 12km of Highway 6 to both North and Southbound traffic. No traffic will be allowed to pass through and there is still no estimate for when the highway may reopen. For more information visit

 Nemo Creek N51103

 The Nemo Creek 1 and 2 wildfires were discovered on the west shore of Slocan Lake on Thursday, July 18 in Electoral Area H. The fires merged and BCWS is now referring to this fire as Nemo Creek.  As of July 21 the fire is estimated to be 823ha in size, and it did not experience any significant growth over the past day. The cause of this fire is suspected to be lightning.

 Nemo Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page

 On the recommendation of the BCWS, the RDCK issued an Evacuation Order on Thursday, July 19 for 21 waterfront parcels on the west shore of Slocan lake in Electoral Area H, and a small portion of Valhalla Provincial Park. This Order remains in place and the public is advised the area is not accessible to enter. We ask that you respect this order and follow the signage that has been placed along the shore of the area under Order. 

 The fire is burning upslope and is considered inoperable terrain. BCWS is monitoring fire behaviour throughout the day.

 Mulvey Creek N51117

 The Mulvey Creek Wildfire was discovered southwest of the Village of Slocan, bordering Valhalla Provincial Park in Electoral Area H on July 18.  The fire is moving upslope into steep, challenging terrain and grew to 12ha overnight.  A heavy equipment strike team is on site developing a machine guard beginning to the southwest and moving towards the community of Slocan.

 Mulvey Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page

On the recommendation of the BCWS, the RDCK issued and Evacuation Alert on Sunday, July 21 at 11:45am, for 16 properties southwest of the Village of Slocan, in Electoral Area H. This alert was escalated to an Evacuation Order at 5:36pm on July 21 and this Order remains in place and residents and visitors in the affected Evacuation Order area must leave immediately.

 Ponderosa  N51069

 The Ponderosa wildfire was discovered southeast of the Village of Slocan, north of Lemon Creek in Electoral Area H on July 19.  This fire is in steep and rocky terrain and BCWS has a heavy equipment strike team on standby to be deployed once lines are confirmed.

 N51069 wildfire BCWS incident details page

 On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS), the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has issued an Evacuation Alert on Sunday, July 21 at 3:07pm, for 190 properties east of the Village of Slocan and south beyond Lemon Creek in Electoral Area H due to the Ponderosa wildfire (N51069).  This alert remains in place and anyone in the affected area must be ready to leave on short notice.

 Argenta Creek Cluster wildfires, N71058, N71084, N71088, and N71089

 The storm system that moved through the region on Wednesday, July 17 was responsible for starting a cluster of five fires located in the Argenta Creek area, located on the east shore at the north end of Kootenay Lake in Electoral Area D. Some of these fires have merged and the BCWS is no longer listing N71083 on the BC Wildfire map. Currently, suppression activities for the cluster are being focused on fires closest to the community with heavy equipment on site building containment lines downslope from these fires.

 N71058 wildfire BCWS incident details page

N71084 wildfire BCWS incident details page

N71088 wildfire BCWS incident details page

N71089 wildfire BCWS incident details page

 There are 20 firefighters on site and a helicopter crew supporting the ground crew by cooling the fires’ edge. Air tankers are in the area to support if needed, and heavy equipment is being mobilized on the fire to support suppression efforts by developing control lines at the base of the mountain.

 BC Parks has proactively closed the Earl Grey Pass trailhead due to the proximity of the two of the wildfires in this cluster.

 Eagle Creek wildfire, N17049

 The Eagle Creek wildfire, located above Blewett, west of the City of Nelson in Electoral Area E, is now listed as being held by BCWS and was estimated to be 12ha in size.  Hoselay is wrapped around the perimeter of the fire and wetline is complete.  Aviation resources have completed objectives but will be available to support if required and crews are on site mopping up and patrolling the perimeter.

 Eagle Creek wildfire BCWS incident details page

 Skimmer and helicopters have been supporting response efforts throughout the day, using local water sources. In the interest of crew and public safety, people are urged to keep well away from areas where air tankers or helicopters are operating. People using other watercraft in the intended flightpath present a serious safety risk for air crews and anyone else in the area. This behaviour is dangerous and interferes with the BC Wildfire Service’s ability to fight wildfires. We thank you for your support.

 General Information

 For more information on the wildfire refer to BCWS Wildfires website, BCWS Facebook and BCWS X.

 Visit for the complete details of all current evacuation orders and alerts. Affected residents with any questions can contact the RDCK Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) at 250-352-7701.

 Be Prepared

 Now is the time to prepare for a potential evacuation. Follow the links below for valuable resources on how to make an emergency plan and prepare your grab and go bag. This includes preparing for your animals and livestock to be relocated. Residents in affected Evacuation Alert areas are encouraged to make arrangements to stay with friends and family in the event of an Evacuation Order.

 Sign up for the RDCK Emergency Notification system and become FireSmart by having a FREE FireSmart assessment done on your home.

Wildfire Preparedness Guide                 


  • In case of emergency dial 911
  • RDCK Emergency Operations Centre Inquiry Line 250.352.7701
  • BC Wildfire 1.800.663.5555 or *5555
  • BC Hydro 1.800.224.9376
  • Fortis BC 1.866.436.7847

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The content on this page was last updated July 21 2024 at 12:31 PM