Evacuation Alert rescinded due to the Howser Ridge 3 wildfire

 Nelson, BC: On the recommendation of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS), the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has rescinded the Evacuation Alert for one property east of Highway 31 and the Lardeau River, north of the community of Howser in Electoral Area D due to the Howser Ridge 3 wildfire (N71144), part of the Lavina Complex.  The Area Restriction will remain in place. See map below.

Address (1)

14940 Highway 31

Evacuation Alert Rescind [PDF - 686 KB]
Evacuation Alert Rescind Map Howser Ridge 3 [PDF - 4 MB]

The Lavina Complex includes the Argenta Creek wildfire, Lower Meadow Mountain wildfire, and Howser Ridge 3 wildfire. A complex is created when multiple wildfires are managed by a single Incident Management Team, and resources and equipment are shared between all incidents in the complex.

The Howser Ridge 3 wildfire was first discovered on July 18 and estimated at 606 hectares. The BCWS has determined the cause to be lightning.

Updates or changes to the Evacuation Alert will be provided via the RDCK website, Facebook and Twitter as more information becomes available. For details about evacuation and emergency preparedness, along with other resources, please visit www.rdck.ca/eocinfo. The RDCK EOC public inquiry line is 250-352-7701.

For up to date information on current wildfire activity, conditions and prohibitions, call 1-888-336-7378 or visit www.bcwildfire.ca.

For more information about evacuations and emergency preparedness, along with other resources:

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The content on this page was last updated August 12 2024 at 7:01 AM