Electoral approval obtained for Defined Area D Medical First Responder Service bylaw

Nelson, BC: The result of the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) seeking electoral approval to provide medical first responder services within a defined portion of Electoral Area D has been tabulated and certified. Electoral approval for the new bylaw has been obtained.

Less than 10% of the eligible electors submitted an objection to the establishment of the service and as a result the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Board of Directors will proceed with consideration of the bylaw. The results will be presented to the Board at the July 18 meeting. If approved by the Board, the Defined Area D Medical First Responder Service Bylaw No. 2923, 2023 will be adopted.

This new bylaw will establish a medical first responder service to provide pre-hospital care by responders trained by an accredited agency and licensed by the Emergency Medical Assistant Licensing Board. Services will be provided to areas of Electoral Area D not part of the Kaslo Fire Protection Area. Click here for a detailed map.

“This is an important d much needed service to provide our rural residents,” said Aimee Watson, RDCK Board Chair and Electoral Area D Director. “The ability to provide pre-hospital care with the necessary capacity will improve emergency services for our communities. While Area D has had a first responder service for over a decade, it was not sufficient and lacked full cost recovery from all those that were benefitting. With this new service, we will see a new recruitment program and additional vehicles to support the service.”

Information about the potential tax impact and additional information can be found at: www.rdck.ca/AreaDFirstResponder.

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The content on this page was last updated June 19 2024 at 4:19 AM