Trail Work Set to Begin at Crawford Creek Regional Park

Nelson, BC: The RDCK in partnership with the East Shore Trail and Bike Association (ESTBA) is moving forward with the trail development, previously planned to start last spring, connecting Peters Road to the main parking lot and beach area at Crawford Creek Regional Park. This new trail will focus on enhancing trail safety and accessibility by providing an accessible trail route with crushed gravel resurfacing, a loop extension to the network and eliminating safety hazards.

Work on the trail is set to begin on October 3, 2024 with an anticipated completion date of November 25, 2024. Park users can expect to see flagging and roping identifying the trail work area along with pre-mowing and scraping of organic materials in the designated trail space. This work needs to be completed prior to constructing the main trail build, which will be done by laying cloth and trail building materials.

There will also be a deconstruction of the existing bridge crossing at the pond site and removal of the rock gabions that support the bridge. The deconstruction of the existing bridge is due to safety concerns. The new bridge, currently on site, will be set into place at a later date.

The RDCK has been in close consultation with a Registered Professional Biologist, First Nations Communities and the Province of BC to ensure all permits, permissions and environmental procedures are in place before work begins. The RDCK will continue to consult with all parties throughout the project timeline.

Sections of the park will be closed during phases of construction. Please be mindful, maintain a safe distance from equipment and trail crews working in the area, and observe on site signage.

For more information visit, email us at or call us at 250.352.1574.

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The content on this page was last updated September 26 2024 at 2:02 AM