Board Meeting - December 2021 Highlights

RDCK Board approves new bylaw remuneration for Chair, Directors and Alternate Directors

The new bylaw results from the first comprehensive review of remuneration for the RDCK’s elected officials since 2006. It aligns the remuneration for Board Chairs, Vice Chairs and Committee and Commission Chairs has with the guidance provided by the Union of BC Municipalities. The current municipal and rural director core stipends did not increase. The bylaw also contains many housekeeping type amendments that clarify requirements and better reflect the current operations of the RDCK.

COVID restart funds allocated for 2021

Since November 2020, the RDCK has received $1,276,000 in funding from the Province to support operations during the pandemic. In 2020 the RDCK allocated $388, 535.16, towards paying for signage, personal protection equipment, and offsetting the loss of revenue at RDCK community complexes.

The RDCK Board approved the allocation of the remaining funds at the December Board Meeting. Approximately $203,000 will go to the COVID restart funds reserve while the remaining $683,503.95 will be divided among recreation services, the HB mine project, resource recovery, utilities construction, fire and emergency services, and administration and information technology services.

Transit service bylaw amended for City of Castlegar and Portions of                      Electoral Area I and J

The goal of the amended transit service bylaw for the City of Castlegar and portions of Electoral Area I and J is to create a criteria based on the more transit you receive, the larger the area contribution to the service. The benefit is a more equitable distribution of the cost of transit for service participants, as well as helping to streamline the process of implementing service level changes proposed in the Transit Future Service Plan. The new criteria used to determine the cost for each partner includes: mileage travelled to provide the service, the frequency of services and the population within 400m of a bus stop.

Online engagement tool to be used for Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas program

The RDCK will begin accepting grant applications for the Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program on January 3, 2022. The program, administered by the RDCK under contract to the Trust, supports local projects in Basin communities. An essential component of this program is community input into the grant award process, which historically has happened via in person meetings in RDCK communities. Unfortunately, the process has been complicated by COVID-19; however, for a third straight year the RDCK will use an online engagement tool which will allow the public to provide feedback on the grant awards to the adjudication community members for consideration in their decision making. Last year alone, the RDCK received over 8,400 entries in the online program.

Denver Siding Water System transferred to the Village of New Denver

In July of 2021 the boundary of the Village of New Denver was officially extended to include the Denver Siding water system. Originally established in 1993 by the RDCK, the Denver Siding water system has been under a long term boil water notice due to the lack of disinfection and treatment of the surface water. The RDCK will now transfer the water system to the Village of New Denver, who will decommission it and connect the area to the Village’s new and improved water system (expected completion date: December 31, 2021) which will service residents with potable drinking water and fire protection coverage.

Organics Infrastructure and Collection Program Grant

The RDCK received a CleanBC Organics Infrastructure and Collection Programs (OICP) grant, up to $1,196,057, to cover two-thirds costs for establishing curbside collection of organic materials in Castlegar and Creston in 2022. The grant money will be used to pay for containers, educational materials, and staffing support for curbside program. This program will help to keep organic waste out of landfills and reduce the RDCK’s carbon footprint. For more information on the program go to

2022 appointments for external committees

The Board appointed RDCK Directors to external committees for a one-year term ending December 31, 2022. These appointees represent regional interests on external bodies that deal with specific matters and issues relevant to local stakeholders. These committees include:

  • Municipal Finance Authority - Director Morrison (Alternate Hewat) *Terms ends February 28, 2023
  • Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia – Director Davidoff (Alternate Casemore)
  • Regional Agriculture Liaison Services Steering Committee – Director Wall
  • Selkirk College Regional Innovation Chair for Rural Economic Development – Director Davidoff
  • Southern BC Regional Connectivity Committee – Director Jackman & Popoff
  • Columbia-Kootenay Regional Advisory Committee of the Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust – Director Lockwood, Popoff & Wall
  • Kootenay Timber Supply Area Coalitions – Director Faust & Jackman (Alternate Morrison)
  • Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Treaty Advisory Committee – Director Casemore (Alternate Jackman)
  • Central Kootenay Food Policy Council – Director Comer
  • West Kootenay Transit Committee – Director Duff, Lockwood, & Main (Alternate Faust)

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The content on this page was last updated December 17 2021 at 1:08 AM