Public Notices

In accordance with the Community Charter (CC) Section 94, the RDCK is formally required by legislation to share Official Public Notices. These are informational documents published in advance of matters of public interest such as public meetings, elections, annual report on RDCK finances, Alternative Approval Process, assent vote, public hearings, facility closure, and disposition of land. These notices are generally intended to inform the public of opportunities to share their views and/or participate in local government decision making. Bylaw No. 2966 requires the RDCK to post Public Notices by the following methods:

  • Printed in the local newspaper for one week;
  • Electronically by posting on the RDCK website;
  • Electronically by posting on the RDCK Facebook page and;
  • Posted on the Public Notice Posting Place at RDCK offices.

Current Public Notices

RDCK Procedure Bylaw

The content on this page was last updated October 25 2024 at 2:36 AM