Area I Community Plan Review

Project Purpose

RDCK is creating a new Official Community Plan (OCP) for Electoral Area I, and we need your assistance. The current OCP was created in 1996, and we are excited to refresh it.

What is an Official Community Plan?

An OCP is a ‘statement of objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management, within the area covered by the plan, respecting the purposes of local government.’ OCPs are important - they capture the vision for our communities’ future and set the stage for other bylaws and plans that initiate action and drive development including zoning bylaws, subdivision bylaws, transportation plans, asset management plans, etc.

The making of an OCP is a collaborative process with extensive engagement with the public, local business owners, community associations, non-profits, First Nations, servicing providers, school districts, and other government agencies.

For more information, review this FAQ document.

Draft OCP Ready for Review

A draft OCP has been prepared and is currently on referral to the public, external agencies and internal RDCK departments for comment.

Use the Referral Companion to help with your review.


Schedule A.1 Existing Land Use
Schedule A.2 Future Land Use
Schedule A.3 Aggregate Resources
Schedule A.4 Community Connections
Schedule A.5.1 Hazardous Lands - Wildfire 
Schedule A.5.2 Hazard Lands - Steep Slopes & Flooding
Schedule A.6 Natural Environment
Schedule A.7 Aquifer Protection Development Permit Area

You can provide your comments by:

  1. Filling out the form in the referral companion or providing written comment and returning it to the RDCK office at 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson BC. Open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (closed for lunch 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm)
  2. Emailing your comments to
  3. Contacting Stephanie Johnson, project planner at or 250-352-8175 to book an in-person meeting to provide your feedback

Area I Context
Backgrounders and mapping provide important information on the current state of key topics.


Other Relevant Projects and Studies:


Project Timeline and Past Events

Board Endorsement In 2016, staff was directed by the Board to initiate the Area ‘I’ OCP Review. Complete
Public Survey In 2016, a “land use survey” was completed by approximately 250 Area ‘I’ residents. Results of the survey are available here.



Community Planning Workshops In November 2016, a round of Community Planning Workshops were held in several different Area ‘I’ Communities. A summary of these workshops is available here.



Community Meetings In July 2017, a round of community meetings were held in several Area ‘I’ communities. A summary of these workshops is available here.


Project paused for additional studies

The Area 'I' OCP review was temporarily paused in order to undertake the "DRASTIC" Shoreacres Aquifer Vulnerability Study and Brilliant Headponds Guidelines


Open House (virtual)

Open house to review. See presentation from the open house here: OCP Re-Launch Open House


January 2023

Community Specific Focused Conversation Sessions (in-person) 

In-person community meetings held in Tarrys/Thrums, Brilliant, Pass Creek, Glade, and Shoreacres/Voykin Subdivision: What We Heard Report

Complete          March 2023

Community Open House (in-person)   In-person community open house to obtain feedback on Draft OCP. 
Open House Presentation
Draft Key Policies
November 2023
Referral Review of draft OCP August 2024
Public Hearing Formal public hearing Fall 2024
Refinement Incorporate comments received and make any changes Fall 2024

Stay in touch

Continue to check this webpage and follow RDCK’s Facebook and Twitter page for the latest updates.

Staff Contact

Stephanie Johnson, Planner
Tel: (250) 352-8175


The content on this page was last updated July 29 2024 at 8:09 AM