Bylaw Enforcement & Dog Control

This page contains information about the following Bylaw Enforcement items:  Overview, Complaint AnonymityFrequently Asked QuestionsGeneral Information,  Special Event Permit Bylaw - Area H,  Dog Control, Municipal Ticketing InformationBylaw Enforcement Notice and Dispute Adjudication System. .


Bylaw enforcement action will be initiated:

  • Upon receipt of a complaint from the public
  • Upon request of a Regional District Director or
  • Upon receipt of a staff report relative to a possible bylaw infraction.

The RDCK Bylaw Enforcement team has many enforcement and investigations underway at any given time, typically identified through citizen complaints. We are required to prioritize our enforcement actions  - situations that pose risks to human health and safety take priority, and we address complaints in priority sequence, so depending on the nature of the infraction, investigation of lower priority contraventions will take some time.  Our policy is to inform or update complainants following the completion and closure of investigations, and we do not provide updates during an active investigation.

Complainant Anonymity

Complainant information is considered confidential and will not be released to the person whose property is being investigated unless under an order by the Provincial Freedom of Information Act.  Each request is looked at individually, and decisions may vary accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Read FAQ about Bylaw Enforcement

General Information

Not all regulatory bylaws are in effect region-wide.  For instance, at this time:

  • NOISE BYLAW is in effect in Electoral Areas A, B,C, E, F, G, H, I, J and K;

Noise Control Bylaw No. 2440, 2015 (consolidated)

  • SOIL REMOVAL and DEPOSIT BYLAW in Areas I and J;

Soil Removal and Deposit Bylaw No. 1183, 1996 

  • NUISANCE BYLAW in Areas C, E, F, G and J.

Nuisance Bylaw No. 2043, 2009 (consolidated)

  • UNSIGHTLY PROPERTY BYLAWS are in Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J and K but not in Electoral Area H.  However, in some cases, there are provisions under certain Zoning bylaws that can address concerns of this nature, IE, storage of derelict vehicles.

Unsightly Property Bylaw No. 1687, 2004 (consolidated)

  • ZONING is in place as follows:
    • Areas C, F, I, J and K in their entirety;
    • Portions only of Electoral Areas A, B, D and G;
    • No zoning in place in Areas E and H;

See the Zoning bylaws page

Dog Control Bylaws

Animal Control bylaws are in place in ‘defined areas’ of Electoral Areas I, J and K and all Areas E and F only. Contractors provide services. 

Dog Control, Bylaw No. 2387, 2014 (Electoral Areas E and F) 
Dog Control, Bylaw No. 2388, 2014 (Portions of Electoral Areas I and J)
Dog Control, Bylaw No. 2389, 2014 (Portions of Electoral Areas K)

Areas A, B, C, D, G, H and portions of I, J and K do not currently have dog control bylaws and services. However, citizens from these areas (and portions) with dog control concerns are encouraged to complete a short survey for statistical purposes. The survey is available in the Online Dog Control Complaint and Inquiry Form (Instructions on the first page). 

Bylaw Enforcement Notice and Dispute Adjudication System

The Regional Board, at its February 12, 2015 meeting, adopted the Bylaw Enforcement Notice and Dispute Adjudication System Bylaw No. 2423, 2015, to have any issued fines addressed promptly.  The bylaw also has incorporated a Compliance Agreement where persons who were issued a fine can agree to bring any outstanding issues into compliance. At that time, the fines issued may be waived.

Bylaw Enforcement Notice and Dispute Adjudication System Bylaw No. 2855, 2023

Municipal Ticketing Information System

The Regional District Board at its August 21, 2014 meeting adopted the new Municipal Ticketing Information Bylaw No. 2423, 2014 to enhance the Municipal Ticketing System within the Regional District of Central Kootenay.

Municipal Ticketing Information System Bylaw No. 2814, 2023

Special Event Permit Bylaw - Area H

The RDCK has adopted Bylaw No. 2596, a Special Event Permit Bylaw for Area H. Any special event, as defined in the bylaw held in Area H, which is attended by more than 200 people and is intended to last more than 24 hours in duration requires a permit from the RDCK. Event applicants must complete an application form online or in person at the RDCK head office in Nelson. Permittees will be required to obtain event insurance and provide the RDCK with a refundable security deposit. The bylaw allows for fines of up to $10,000 for non-compliance.

Special Event Permit Bylaw Application Form [PDF - 2 MB]

Submit your online application form to


The content on this page was last updated September 17 2024 at 8:52 AM